Executive Office Chairs

Executive chairs offer superior seating comfort to managers and executives. They are durable, attractive and are made of leather or other comfortable fabrics. These chairs typically feature a higher back and thicker padding than a typical office chair and provide added lower back support intended for longer hours at the desk. Shop our selection of Flash Furniture, HON, Alera, La-Z-Boy, Sadie, SertaPedic and other brand executive office chairs in numerous styles, colors and sizes.

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in stock 1
Sold As: 1 ea Tigerchef #: 135756
Retail Price:$643.00
in stock 1
Sold As: 1 ea Tigerchef #: 134959
Retail Price:$1,098.00
in stock 1
Sold As: 1 ea Tigerchef #: 269570
Retail Price:$2,361.00