At Tiger Chef, we want to make your shopping experience as easy as possible. Our site features all kinds of informational pages designed by experts to give you the best possible customer service.
Customer Service
Our Customer Service page is broken down in 4 parts.
Product Availability & Pricing
All the information you need to know about stock and how we work our pricing. -
How we work our shipping in terms of cost and methods. -
Returns & Exchanges
A brief summary of our return and exchange policy. -
Extra Features
Our site features all sorts of extras to make your experience with us easy and fast. We have some extra features that we summarize here.
We compiled a list of frequently asked questions for easy reference, on all sorts of topics, including placing an order, order status, returns, account information and more. -
Shipping & Returns
An extensive list of our policies regarding shipping, returns and sales tax. We encourage our customers to read the page before placing an order, and again before returning an item. -
Privacy Policy
Detailed information about how we store cookies, track your IP address, and store your information. -
Price Guarantee
We offer a price guarantee on our site. This page gives all the information you need to know to get the best price.
We want you to understand the differences between specific products, what all the industry terms mean, and how to place orders at our online store. For this reason, we provide detailed information in our ever-growing library of publications and key content. It's all done in our quest to help you make educated buying decisions.
What it all means
Wondering what all the terms in our product page descriptions mean? We've devised a full-length glossary. When applicable, terms will be linked to pop-up windows to help speed up the process of understanding what it all means. Visit the Glossary.
Use & Care
We'd love to have your business, but we also want you to know how to prolong the life of everything you buy from us. Our ever-growing use and care section includes key information on caring for Glassware, Dinnerware and Flatware. We also offer a full Resource Section with marketing, business and comparison articles.
Online Shopping Help
We take pride in providing a streamlined online ordering process, and we're always making improvements to the TigerChef online store. Assistance in navigating our site and making purchases is provided below. If you have any questions, comments, or feature requests, please feel free to contact us.
Locating Items
Products in the Tiger Chef store are grouped according to types. For example, if you click Bar Supplies, you'll find we carry a wide array of glasses, mats, condiments, accessories and more.
You can use our site search to find a specific item. Categories that have a lot of items of the same type will have a filter to further narrow down your search.
Purchasing Items
To purchase any item, simply enter the quantity desired and click the Add to Cart button. You will be redirected to the shopping cart page where you can see all items in your cart and update quantities. You can also view shipping charges on the shopping cart page or on the product page.
Checking Out
Simply click the Checkout button to begin the checkout process. You will need to provide your ship-to and bill-to addresses, as well as select your method of payment (we accept major credit cards) and shipping method.
Order Status & History
Once an order is placed it is forwarded to processing. You'll immediately be able to view the order under your customer account in our store, and the status is updated real-time. Once your order is shipped you'll receive an email notification, and you'll also be able to review the status and clickable tracking number at our store by clicking the Order Status link.
All information on our website is copyright protected. All rights reserved. Images used are protected by copyright of either, stock photo agencies that we have purchased from, or manufacturer of goods, and cannot be sold or reprinted without written permission from the copyright holder. is not responsible for technical errors or typographical inaccuracies. disclaims liability for misprints, stale, incomplete, or otherwise inaccurate pricing on our website, emails, or any other form of communication. We reserve the right to change our prices any time without notice.
Still have questions? You can view our Customer Service page or Contact Us