Winco Formal Flatware

Formal flatware is a style preferred by many restaurateurs and caterers who want to add a chic and elegant style to the dining experience. Formal flatware patterns can be found in either 18/0, 18/8 or 18/10 stainless steel and are available in either heavy weight styles or extra heavy weight. Flatware patterns like Walco Farmington, Goddess, Hyannis and Illustra; or Winco Peacock and Regency are just a few examples of our large selection. For a different style try Update International Shelley flatware, or for gold flatware the 10 Strawberry Street Crown Royal Gold or Parisian Gold flatware will turn any table setting into royalty.

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Sold As: 1 doz Tigerchef #: 1678
Retail Price:$49.41