Winco Japanese Knives

Japanese kitchen knives differ from Western knives in that they are sharpened so that only one side holds the cutting edge. The most common type of knives found in the Asian kitchen are the Deba knife (kitchen cleaver), the Santoku knife (all-purpose utility knife), the Usuba knives (both Japanese vegetable knives), and the Sashimi knife. These knives are used in the preparation of foods such as fish, poultry, vegetables, shelled fish and sushi. Japanese chefs often each have their own set of knives, some even own two sets which they alternate on a daily basis. For the right quality and selection of Japanese knives for your Asian kitchen, shop brands Thunder Group, Winco, FDick, Victorinox and more.

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Sold As: 1 ea Tigerchef #: 1358
Retail Price:$21.15