Windsor Flatware - Heavy Weight 18/0

The Windsor Flatware - Heavy Weight 18/0 collections from Crestware, Walco and Winco are popular flatware styles constructed of stainless steel with 18% chromium and 0% nickel content. Featuring a bright polish finish, this flatware enjoys enormous popularity in a wide variety of food establishments as it is economically priced, heavy weight, easy to clean and maintain, and has a long-lasting shine.

1 - 2 of 2
in stock 1
Sold As: 2 doz Tigerchef #: 80924
Regular $9.24 /2 doz
Case of 24 doz $8.78 /2 doz
in stock 1
Sold As: 3 doz Tigerchef #: 80921
Regular $10.18 /3 doz
Case of 36 doz $9.67 /3 doz